Side Meeting Request Form

Hybrid Side Meeting Request Form

Side meeting are encouraged during the 2022 iCACGP-IGAC Science Conference. In addition to current IGAC working group and activity side meetings, we are soliciting applications for other side meetings of interest to the international atmospheric chemistry community. Often these meetings are a way for new activities and working groups to form, or a way to organize international collaboration in other ways.

Side meetings can be scheduled during the conference from 09:00-18:00 when no talks or poster sessions are occurring and on Monday and Wednesday evening from 18:00-20:00. Please see the schedule here (all times listed in UK time). There are six meeting rooms available, three for 30 people, two for 60 people, and one for 120 people. Side meetings may overlap with each other, but cannot overlap with oral sessions. Meetings will take place in rooms equipped with internet and connections to allow for online and in-person participation.

The organizing committee will accommodate requests to the best of their ability based on available time.  Requests for side meetings must be received by 15 July 2022.

To apply to have a side meeting, please send the below information to

Title of the Side Meeting:

Up to 200 characters

Organizers (up to 5 organizers are allowed):

Last Name, First Name, Affiliation, Email Address

Short Description of the Meeting:

150 words allowed

Number of Expected Participants:

Whole number

Requested Date/Time (List at least three options, in GMT).

Enter Date, Enter Time

Duration of the meeting:


The first name listed under organizers will receive a confirmation email that the request for a side meeting has been submitted.  All further communication regarding the side meeting will be emails to all organizers listed (up to 5).